An Intrinsic Love for Better Buildings

Capturing Value and
delivering Performance

I’ve always had a love for sustainable architecture, growing up with Midwestern influences such as Frank Lloyd Wright and Aldo Leopold. The way they could integrate biophilia into the spaces that surround us with a higher purpose always seemed a little bit like magic. As a building practitioner, I’ve found passion through working with integrated design teams to help engineer and deliver innovative buildings that reduce energy and resources while resonating with people, community, and minimizing impact to broader eco-systems. I’m committed to professional excellence, and serve as a voting member to help create the consensus-based standard ASHRAE 227: Passive Building Design Standard.

Whether it’s a green building certification such as LEED or PHIUS, mechanical system design, achieving net zero energy performance, decarbonizing, or other services that build affordable, resilient and future-proofed buildings, I’d be delighted to apply that magical touch to your project.

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Building diagnostics

resolve to solve

Over the years, we’ve developed a good feel for building science issues that lead to underperforming projects. Whether you need diagnostics to troubleshoot existing issues, develop a strategy for zero energy retrofits, or just want to do it right the first time on new construction projects, we can help you execute your vision.

We’ve worked with dozens of affordable housing, multifamily and residential buildings over the years to improve them and achieve stringent certification.

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Carbon Emissions

Insightful solutions to cost-effectively decarbonize

Let’s face it – the built environment has a large impact on the emissions of greenhouse gasses.  While electrifying new buildings is something our team has successfully achieved in many cases, we take an approach towards evaluating technologies and solutions that deliver a low-carbon future today, as well as for years to come.  This may include resilient energy solutions that rely on a diverse mix of electrons and molecules (in fuel-fired applications).

Let us help do the analysis to find what solutions meet your project’s needs and goals.